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Tiny Bubbles page 3

Stacy nodded. "Yes. Rewarding."

"The breeze feels relaxing. Have you ever loved like that?"

"No. I've always been a little scared to."

Adam's eyebrows came together and he almost said, "Thanks a lot!" but he wanted to see where this bizarre thread of conversation was going and hesitated to break the mood.

"That's sad. I can see why you might feel that way. I once loved someone that much, but he was with someone else. She didn't love him or appreciate him nearly enough, but she got him for holidays, and she got to wear his ring, and she got to take his name. It hurt, I won't lie, but it was worth it just to feel that alive."

"You let the woman have him?"

"Oh, she never had him in any real way. What should I have done?"

"Taken him from her." Stacy's smirk was perhaps the most evil expression he'd ever seen her use.

"Do you really believe that?"

"Yes. Really. If she didn't appreciate him, and couldn't keep him..."

He was surprised to hear this opinion coming from his strait-laced wife, who had always made it clear that she respected the sanctity of marriage. He wondered if it was because Lilah had tapped into her romantic side. Girl talk.

"If we'd been friends back then, would you have supported me and helped me?"

"We are friends-- of course!"

Lilah removed her hand from the glass and placed it on Stacy's arm. "Because true love should conquer all, right?"

Stacy's seeming trance was broken as she gazed into Lilah's eyes and smiled. "Absolutely."

Lilah pushed a strand of hair from Stacy's face, brushing it behind her ear. "I hope you saved room for dessert...Oh, crap! The dessert... the chocolate raspberry truffle cake! I was supposed to pick it up from Leilani's. I can go get it, if you two will just--"

"No, it's okay...Adam can go get it, and...and I'll help you clean up! In fact, you've done more than enough already-- I...I'll clean up."

"If Adam doesn't mind...?" Lilah glanced over at him. He frowned back at her smile. What was the brunette scheming about? Was she going to tell Stacy what they'd done this afternoon? What they'd almost done, he meant. Was that what this husband-stealing stuff was all about? He'd just opened his mouth to protest when the matter was taken out of his hands.

"Of course he doesn't!" offered Stacy. "We're just boring him with all our Oprah talk anyway, aren't we, dear?" She didn't even look to see that she was right. And she was, except...

"Okay then-- it's up the road next to the Fishermen's Wharf. Ask for Kani. And thank you!"

Adam got the distinct impression that both women wanted him gone all of a sudden. In fact, for a man who was supposedly loved deeply by both women at the table, he felt ignored. If he let his imagination get away from him, he might think the two women wanted him to leave for a reason. And from the state of his erection, his imagination had gotten away from him. Damn Lilah for planting impossible fantasies in his head and making him interpret everything through promises she couldn't keep. She might have made friends with Stacy in record time, but there was no way his wholesome wife would consider partaking of the rather wicked activities that Lilah surely had in mind.

"No. Of course I don't mind. I'll be back soon." Adam made a point of giving Stacy a kiss, and, when Lilah puckered her own lips a little, he gave her as much of a warning look as he dared. Could he really live with such an impossible woman anyhow?

The quest for the truffle cake convinced him that he didn't know the half of it.

When Adam got to Leilani's and inquired about the dessert, Kani looked at him in confusion. "I told Lilah that my cousin over at Six Palms would make her one-- she was supposed to pick it up there." Several minutes later Adam got to Six Palms, asked for Kani's cousin, and found out that His Favorite Brunette had picked up the damned dessert right on time, hours before.

When he arrived back at the room, annoyed with the game, the two women were sitting close together on the sofa. His wife was quite clearly suckling Lilah's finger, her eyes closed in seeming-delight. Both women looked up when he entered-- Lilah in amusement and Stacy in a momentary confusion that gave way to a blush. Adam felt like introducing himself to his wife. Hi, I'm your husband. Who the fuck are you?

"Honey, look what Lilah found! The truffle-- it was here all along!" She indicated the two plates on the coffee table.

"Imagine that."

"And it's really good..." There was mouth-gasm in that "really".

"Yes, delicious," agreed Lilah. She dipped her finger into the truffle, and offered the digit to Adam. "Want to taste?"


"Oh, honey, it's okay-- go ahead. Taste," said Stacy.

Adam looked at what was quite possibly his fantasy come to life, and did what any man would do... "Stace...not feeling well here, maybe we should go back to the room." Okay, perhaps not what most men would have thought they'd do, but his world was a pretty unrecognizable place right now, and it wasn't like there was a snowflake's chance in Kilauea that his Lilah was going to be dissuaded. And if he'd misread the situation his wife could be putting him in a whole world of hurt AKA Divorce Court.

"Hey, don't blame me-- I had it catered," quipped Lilah. "I'm sorry you two can't stay, but I do understand! Why don't you two go ahead and get a good night's rest, and perhaps we can get together tomorrow."

Adam's wife, who had previously just been polite in spending time with his co-worker, seemed delighted at the suggestion. "Yes, yes, we'll do that!"

"We have the luau luncheon tomorrow," Adam reminded her.

She looked, if anything, disappointed, despite the fact that he'd had to fight her tooth and nail to try to avoid the damned thing. "Oh, yeah, right. And it's reservation-only. I'm sooo sorry, Lilah."

"Oh, it's okay, Stace," was the response, and her eyes glittered as Adam noted her use of his wife's diminutive. "If you like, we can get together before the luau. The Regency has the best spa, I'm told, and it's right next to your resort."

"Yes! Adam's going scuba diving in the morning, and I was just going to be bored anyway. Let's get together. Our room number is 1723. Come by around... was it nine, dear?"

He grunted suspicious assent and dragged her toward the door. As they left, he looked back meaningfully at Lilah, who blew him a kiss and looked pretty and innocent.

All the way home, Stacy gave the distinct impression that there were two people in their marriage in love with Lilah. When, finally in bed, he reached for her-- expecting a repeat of the post-holiday party fuckfest-- she muttered something about it not being a good idea. Which was not merely odd but also frustrating, because later that night, when she must have thought he'd fallen asleep, he got the distinct impression that she was masturbating. He didn't have to wonder too hard who she was thinking about. He was thinking about the same person, and wondering what her game was.


Adam awoke to the sound of the shower, and a glance at the clock told him he wouldn't have time to ask Stacy about the events of the night before. Or to eat breakfast, for that matter-- his scuba lessons were only fifteen minutes from now. He grabbed his swimsuit off the towel rack, poked his head into the shower for a kiss and a farewell, and high-tailed it out to the beach where the instructor and the other two students waited.

After gearing up and half an hour of safety training and practicing exhaling with the mask on, the four of them slipped into the surf and started the short trip to the deeper water. The bottom dropped quickly not far from the shore, and the instructor led them down slowly to a large volcanic rock wedged deep into the sand about thirty feet underwater, if Adam was any judge. Which of course he wasn't.

A head-sized octopus, startled at the intrusion, spurted off into the deeper water, leaving behind a cloud of ugly blackness which was probably not waste but which Adam avoided on principle. It was fascinating to watch it move, and one of the other students made off in pursuit until stopped by the instructor. In the meantime, Adam scouted around the rock for other beasts of the deep. He found the prickly mass of a sea urchin-- he'd seen them before, but dry and dead. This one was presumably alive.

A theory which was tested as the instructor handed it to each of them in turn. When Adam's chance came, he was spooked when the thing grabbed him back with twenty or thirty tiny black appendages. He tried to set it down, but had to shake it to get loose, actually ripping out several of the thing's... tongues, he guessed they were... in the process. He felt bad about it, at that realization; he had a lot of respect for tongues, really. Sorry, buddy. You just put your tongues in the wrong place at the wrong time.

After a few more minor illustrations of undersea life, the instructor made it clear that their forty-five minutes were up, and that they needed to follow him back. Adam had a problem re-equalizing his internal pressure the way he'd been shown: blowing out hard with his nose didn't pop his ears as expected. It had worked on the way down without a hitch, but on the way up it was only successful every other time or so. As a result, when he surfaced one ear was full of water and he couldn't hear out of it to save his life. He tipped the instructor and headed back to the hotel room somewhat disoriented.

The first thing he noticed on his return was that the shower was still on. Did Stacy forget to turn it off, or... had she fallen and hit her head? Adam spun through the sitting room of the suite en route to the bathroom... only to find Lilah sitting on the edge of the bed, looking interestedly at the bathroom door. From within came the humming sound of his wife's voice:

So here's to the ginger lei
I give to you today
And here's a kiss that will not fade away.

Or something like that. His good ear was on the opposite side to the door. "Would you like a lay, too?" Lilah asked, quirking her lips. "It's not made of ginger, I assure you. Though it has much in common with sugar and spice and all things nice."

"You have no idea." She scooted over to give him room, and he took advantage of the situation by bouncing up against her as he flopped down nearby.

Adam laid back on the bed, propping himself up on his pillow. A pillow case which, though freshly provided by the maids last night, now reeked of female arousal. And the dampness wasn't totally residue from his own wet hair, he'd wager. Lilah sat on the edge of the bed, looking like the cat who had eaten the canary.

"Lilah, have you lost your mind?" he hissed at her. "Fingering yourself on my fucking pillow? If I can smell it, so can Stacy!"

Lilah smiled. "That would be an odd thing to do, wouldn't it?" She slithered up the bed to meet his eyes with her own and delicately slid her fingers up his arm and neck and under his nose. Adam glanced at the bathroom door in paranoia, but the shower was still running at full blast. "Tell me, do women have a unique taste and smell-- different from one another?"

Adam tried not to inhale; still the aroma couldn't be ignored. "Yes."

Lilah ran a slender digit along Adam's upper lip, in a dazzling replay of the game she'd played in their office months ago. "So, in theory, I would smell different from Stacy, and she from me?" She was getting more daring now with her teasing, and situated her cleft over his engorged but shorts-hidden erection. She pressed down on him, and at the same time dipped her finger into his mouth.

He ran his tongue all around her finger, desiring to taste the source... then remembered in a fit of sanity who was ten feet away. He grabbed her arm hard and pulled it down to her side, trapping it there as she struggled. "Enough teasing. What are you getting at, and what happened last night, for that matter?"

That was, of course, the moment the shower stopped. "Sweetie, could you get me a towel?" came the query from behind the door. Amusement and perhaps a small amount of sexual frustration tainted Lilah's eyes as he rolled out from under her and toward the bathroom. He glanced back to see her propped up on one elbow on the bed, watching him with interest. "Yeah, sure. Coming!"

"Almost," she mouthed at him, grinning, and then scrambled back to the sitting room chair before the door opened.

"Oh, honey, I didn't know you were home, yet." She smiled and grabbed the requested towel. "Thanks!"

"Feeling the need to be extra clean?" he inquired.

"What? Oh, well, yeah, we were going to go to the spa, but then there was a waiting list to get the hot mud treatment, and I didn't really want the hot oil one, so me and Lilah just came back here and talked instead. And being outside made me all sweaty, and so I decided I would take another shower."

"I see."

Stacy grabbed another towel and wrapped it around her hair, then strutted out to the bedroom, remarkably unconcerned with her lack of proper apparel.

"Oh, good, you're still here," Stacy said on seeing Lilah. "Adam didn't scare you away."

"Of course not. I like Adam."

A titter. "Me, too. But you have to admit sometimes he can be pretty frightening."

Adam decided to stop this before Lilah, who was obviously about to speak, said something about the size of his penis or something. Which was not at all frightening, much to his own regret, but still... "Well, I'm glad you're clean and ready to go to the luncheon. It starts in half an hour."

Stacy looked tired at this reminder. "Oh, yeah." She glanced Lilahward. "Honey, I was just telling Lilah... it's way too hot out there."

"Well, it's Hawaii."

"Yes, I know, and most days it's been fine, but today I just don't feel up to it."

"Stace, we paid like... I don't even want to think about what we paid for this idi-- this great privilege. And you want to blow it off?"

"No, you're right, of course. We might as well get our money's worth. You should take Lilah."


"I couldn't dream of taking your place."

"No, Lilah, it's okay. I'm just going to get some well-needed rest. I think last night's wine affected me funny. I don't have a headache, but I think I might be a teensy bit hung over."

"Dear, if you don't want to go, I don't--" I don't have the strength to resist doing terrible, awful, marriage-violating things? Perhaps that was not the right thing to say. "Lilah probably hates luaus, right, Lilah? The roasting of the pig, and all." He looked at her pointedly.

"Oh, it's okay," Stacy returned, "there's all kinds of vegetable treats there, I remember from the menu. I guess it does sound all right, if you're okay with it, Stace..."

"Oh, sure, sweetheart, Adam will be the perfect gentleman. Or if he's not, just don't tell me: I'd rather not know." She laughed, and Lilah laughed... and his own laugh was audibly false, but Stacy was oblivious. "I'm going to nap, now. You two go on."

"I have to change," Adam responded, swearing beneath his breath. He grabbed a nice pair of shorts and a flowery shirt selected days ago for the occasion, and took both into the bathroom to disrobe. This was it, then, he knew. He would be alone with Lilah for hours, and there was no way in hell he'd be able to keep his hands, his lips, his cock off her. The thought terrified him, but the difficulty he had putting his shorts on was a tip-off that the thought thrilled him as well. Dammit.

He exited the bathroom once more to find Lilah whispering something to Stacy, then patting her on the head and standing up. "Ready to escort me to the ball, Adam?"

He grunted a reply.

"All right, then. Stace, sweetie, you will have pleasant dreams, I'm sure."

Stacy was already dozing, her eyes closed completely. "'ava good time," she murmured. "Say 'hi' to the pig."

And they left-- theoretically, at least-- on their way to the luau.


Of course they didn't go anywhere near the place. They went straight to Lilah's hotel without even discussing it-- or anything else, for that matter..She walked briskly and deliberately to the elevator, her thin cotton skirt flouncing around her thighs and providing enticing glimpses above its hem, and he followed as if magnetized.

The elderly couple on the elevator prevented his hands from being all over her; he contented himself with gently rubbing the backs of his knuckles against the outside of her leg. Only an acceleration in her breathing gave any evidence she noticed his flesh touching hers.

The fifth floor arrived soon enough, and she fumbled with the key card, failing twice to open the door and cursing under her breath each time. Her breath sizzled inward as he placed his burning, solid hand over hers and slowly, deliberately activated the lock, permitting her to open the latch. He pushed her inside more roughly than he intended to and locked the deadbolt behind him. She flinched with every click of the mechanism.

With no smile or even amusement evident, he grabbed her wrist before she got to the couch and pulled her to him, grabbing a fistful of her hair with the other hand and drawing her mouth to his with an urgency that drew blood from her lower lip. The salty fluid only added to his passion, and to hers. He crushed her frame to him, feeling the soft curves of her body against the muscles of his chest, his abdomen, his legs. All he had wanted... all his.

He pushed her against the wall and shredded the front of her blouse, and the cute peekaboo of her nipples through the white material was replaced with vivid, swollen patches of succulence. Her chest heaved with the force of her breathing, and the bounce of her tits showed their perfect form off to best effect. Adam dipped his head to take them in his mouth, and Lilah's moan escaped through her teeth before his tongue had even taken its first stroke. Her thighs parted in anticipation and lust, as she slid her hand down past his beltline and into his shorts. Her hand wrapped around his cock, tightly possessive, and she panted with emotion at finally holding it in her grasp.

With a snarl of lust he kissed her once more, fiercely, and pressed her shoulders down with a force that surprised him. Her knees buckled without resistance, and she tore his shorts down to take him in her mouth, emitting a high-pitched moan as she did so. She licked under the glans with gentle but urgent strokes, taking the loose flesh there in her lips and squeezing it mercilessly between them. Soon enough, though, she stopped teasing and took him fully into her throat, grabbing his ass for leverage as she plunged him as deep into her as he would go. He felt himself pulse against the muscles in her tongue and neck as she swept him out and in, out and in, and it was with a low cry he erupted into her at last, spilling his come into the woman he loved and lusted more than any other.

She looked up at him in excitement and something like thankfulness as he withdrew; her eyes shone with tears, but had he not just orgasmed he would have now, noticing that her skirt and the swimsuit beneath were plastered to her body in a dampness that could have only one source. A source which drew him like a drug.

He joined her on the floor, his passion undimmed by the slight droop of his sated cock. He'd been waiting to taste Lilah since the day she'd first shown an interest, and her roundabout ways of getting her scent near his nose and mouth had tormented him like nothing else. Now he was finally able to feast on the source, and he pushed aside the sopping panties in his quest to consume her.

Her moan was exquisite to him, as was the way she threw her head back as he impaled her on his tongue. There was no need for him to build her passion slowly-- she was already ready to come after her own oral explorations, but still he teased at her, not permitting her to explode yet because he was enjoying himself too immensely to be done so quickly. Her taste filled his senses, her smell overwhelmed his brain, and his cock solidified beneath him once more, a dull need that throbbed achingly so soon after his balls had been emptied. Her fingers circled around the back of his head as he dove into her, his lips affixed to her pussy and his tongue dancing around her pearl. When she pulled him close in a fit of passion that seemed like rage, he cupped her ass in his hands and sucked her entire clit into his mouth, twisting it from side to side with the back of his tongue. This caused an ear-splitting, breath-held silence which was shattered by a strangled yell which sounded like it was torn from her throat. Her hips bucked for almost a full minute, then bucked again when he plunged his tongue deep into her hole and writhed it around her interior walls.

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