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Tiny Bubbles page 4

It wasn't until she dragged him away up to her mouth that he would stop eating her, but when she licked his face and whispered that she liked the taste better somehow when it was on his face, he picked her up, bent her over the arm of the couch, and drove into her from behind with his revived cock, not knowing or caring if she'd recovered enough to want this yet. His need was too great, and her cunt too ready, for him to do anything but thrust into her and hope that somehow his passion...his lust...his love would be transmitted to her through the irresistible, powerful fucking he was forced by the animal inside him to give her.

He need not have worried; she came from this maltreatment. Came hard, ass thrusting back at him, screaming like a banshee for more, for him to fill her again and again, for him to make her pussy his. Now and forever. Locked in, nearly on automatic, this penetrated his consciousness and he plunged into her deep, coating the inside of her womb with his sticky spunk.

He collapsed on her, half-exhausted, and didn't intend to fuck her again for a good solid hour. But her insatiable masturbation and the smearing of her own pussy juice on her face eventually awoke his sleeping cock and his resolve didn't last past twenty-five minutes.

His cock, this time, lasted as long as she did. And, he was surprised to note as she fell asleep after what seemed uncountable climaxes, even longer. He didn't try to wake her, but still took his pleasure in her once more as she drifted off, and then fell asleep spooning her, never bothering to pull out.


He awoke to a silent and darkened room, and struggled for a couple seconds to remember it was his hotel. Stacy wasn't there with him, and her side of the bed wasn't even warm. And it was... he checked the clock... two in the morning. What the hell?

Earlier that evening, he'd been equally disoriented to find himself waking up in Lilah's bed. She'd been singing a showtune he half-recognized as she showered, and he had smiled to hear it. Her voice was untrained but nice. He could get used to this.

That was when he'd realized that the sun was going down, and that the lunchtime luau ought to be over by now. And that he had reeked of sex to the point where Stacy couldn't help but notice. He'd jumped into the shower, causing Lilah to emit a cute little shriek and to spray him in the face with the massage-head.

She had giggled and welcomed him in. "Come here, Lovah. I'll wet you down. Or something to do with wet." She'd glanced below his waist, licking her lips. "And down."

"No time for fun, sweetheart. I'm way late." He had grabbed the hotel shampoo and scrubbed it into all his hair, but most especially the pubic.

She'd pouted, but conceded the point. "Well, okay. But you get away with this only because I got some special Adam-love while you were sleeping?" At his raised eyebrow and glance down at his cock, she had added, "Well, you weren't using it. Besides, I could tell you had done the same. Sauce for the goose. Mmmm... and such sauce!"

He'd laughed, then, at her comments and her antics and at the way she made him feel. He had kissed her, deeply and with no hint of lust, much to his own surprise. She'd returned the fervor, then sprayed him down until he was certain he was less musky. He had exited the shower, though she had remained in, continuing to wash. He'd watched her through the glass as she cleaned herself, a voyeur to her fingers and palms and their journey from stickiness and sweat to fresh-smelling girl.

He'd sighed, drawing on his clothes, and had ducked his head into the shower once more for a kiss goodbye. "I'll see you soon. Don't know when, but I'll figure something out. This... I don't know what we're doing, but it's wonderful and... there's a lot to talk about. I love you."

"I know," she'd replied, smiling sadly. "I love you, too. I'm sure it will be soon."

And he'd let himself out. He'd let the heat of the day dry his hair and walked into his own resort suite to find Stacy asleep on their bed, the shades drawn. Thankful he hadn't had to answer any questions about the luau (or lack thereof), he'd crashed next to her and let the oblivion of sleep stop his worrying.

Now, however, he was worried once more. Where was Stacy, at this hour of the night? Did she suspect? Had he forgotten something? Had she found something telltale in his effects? He couldn't imagine anything, unless she had some bizarre woman-sense that let her smell Lilah on him...on his breath, maybe. He flipped on the light, verifying that she was neither in the sitting room or the bathroom, and seeing that her stuff was all still here.

It was then that he noticed the message lamp lit on the phone.

He struggled with the inane instructions on how to access their voice mail, and finally the message came forth.

"Hi, honey, you were sleeping so nicely that I didn't want to wake you. Lilah told me you'd had a lot to drink at the luau, so I guess I'm not surprised." She giggled in a voice that implied she was not totally sober herself. "Lilah and I decided to go out for a girls' night out, and I'm just calling so you don't worry about us. We're out and about in Honolulu, and we won't be home late." He heard Lilah's voice in the background, and Stacy's laughter in response. "Well, not too late, anyway. Bye!" The time stamp was ten forty-five. Three and a half hours ago.

There was another message, an hour or so ago. He had no idea how he'd slept through it, but perhaps it had at least made him restless and resulted in him waking up eventually. This time it was Lilah's silky voice, and the background noise was minimal.

"Hello, Lovah. Do you know how the beach curves around that rocky bend near the Hyatt? Well, Stacy and I found the most charming grotto over here. I don't think we're the first to have found it, but we do have it all to ourselves right now. Unfortunately, she's in no condition to climb back up to the path, so why don't you come and help me with her. If not, I guess I'll just stay here with her until morning."

The phone had clicked off, and Adam was left with the receiver in his hand, halfway from his ear to the chassis. Shit.

He threw the phone down, picked up his shirt, shorts, and wallet and headed out the door.

The beauty of the Hawaiian beach under moonlight was not to be shirked, but he would have given serious cash for a flashlight in addition; the glow from the resorts was not nearly enough to illuminate the rocky area in question very well. He walked to where the path curved away and climbed the rocks, and moved off the path to the rocks which were splashed by the surf. Crazy chicks. This wasn't even excusable by drunkenness. How the hell was he supposed to find them in this ragged pile of slag?

Ah, that was how: he heard a female voice giggle over the relatively quiet sound of the surf, and he'd swear it was Lilah's. Coming from off to the side, where... yeah, a slight "trail" of stepping stones led around an outcropping. He followed and came upon an entrance to a sandy cave with--

The cave itself faded from his awareness as he found focus on its contents. The moonlight revealed Lilah sitting on a bench-like slab of stone, blouse pulled down to reveal moistened breasts, whether with sweat or from some prior dip in the ocean he couldn't tell. Probably the former, as the rock itself seemed dry except near her parted thighs. There it was quickly becoming damp as Stacy's mouth did its work on Lilah's cunt; the voice had been Lilah's, but he hadn't realized it had been moaning and urging. "Mmmmm... yeah, oh, Stace, you're such a Good Little Pussy Licker. I can't understand how you took so long to realize it." She ran a slow hand over Stacy's back and down to her ass, which was sticking up into the air like an offering to the sea. Or, now, to Adam.


"Ah, hello, Lovah. Was wondering when you'd get here. We got lonely, but Stace figured out something to do while we waited."

"I see that."

"You sound as if you disapprove of my come on her face. You didn't seem to mind so much when it was your face."

He was silent. The only sounds were the hungry devouring of Lilah's nether flesh by Stacy's lips.

So that secret, at least, was out, apparently. Now that it had come, it was actually a relief. Less pussyfooting around... er... a better choice of words was not forthcoming.

"Stacy, you can stop now. What is this, some kind of revenge on me... you're going to ignore me because of what I did?" He sighed. "C'mon, let's talk this out maturely."

He might not even have been there for all the attention she paid him. Lilah's muff was seemingly her whole world. His shock at the tableau before him, coupled with the horror at his secrecy being broken, was now slowly turning up the heat and changing to anger.

"Stacy, cut this crap out. There's--"

"I don't think she can hear you, Lovah. When I've got them under, they only hear me. It's one of those weird quirks."

"What are you talking about?"

"I told you long ago I can hypnotize people. Make them do whatever I wish."

He was stunned.

"Since the dinner, actually, since I know you're wondering when. Stacy, dear, stop for a moment; I've already come three times and need to catch my breath."

Stacy moaned and pulled her ecstatic face back from its paradise. "Yes, Lilah."

Apparently the hypnosis thing was not just a playful fantasy of Lilah's after all. Adam couldn't honestly account for his wife's behavior over the last few days without there being some kind of subtle influence, there. And as for the not-so-subtle...

"Oh, please let me eat your pussy again, Lilah. I want your taste on my tongue sooo bad. Please fuck my face again..."

"Um, can you get her to stop doing that? It's hard to have a serious conversation with her head up your skirt."

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry." She raised Stacy's wet chin up to look into her eyes and murmured, "Sleep time, now, Stacy." Stacy's eyes closed, and Lilah gently eased her to the black sand of the floor.

Adam couldn't help but think he could have used that little trick once or twice over the years. "This might be a stupid question, but what the fuck's going on?"

"I'm making a life for us, Adam. You love Stacy, but more than that you feel responsible for her. How could I win without being a little proactive? You would have left her for me, just as I would have left, oh, anyone else on earth for you. That doesn't mean that you wouldn't have been wracked with guilt. I won't have that for you!"

"This is what you call proactive?" He had to admit that Stacy looked peaceful as she slumbered, Lilah's arousal drying on her face.

"Yes. Now you can have both of us. I've had a lot of time to think, alone on holidays, not hearing from you when you got busy with family, or even friends. I had to put away the clock my sister, Chandra, got me." Bitterness entered her voice. "I'd sit there alone and fear the fucking thing counting off the seconds of my life. The moments that should have been with you." She sighed. "I decided along the way that I was going to fix everything. When you really get down to it, Stacy needs a guiding hand. You really can be too gentle with your women."

"You would like me more forceful?"


"Really be the boss?"

"Oh, yes, Lovah!"

"We'll see. What if I told you to change Stacy back, and get the fuck out of my life? Would you find that forceful enough?"

"What? Wait! No."

"Don't tell me to wait, Lilah. You don't get to order me around, you don't get to fuck with my wife without asking, and you don't get to fucking redecorate my life without my consent. Not and stand there with a straight look on your face and tell me you want me to be in charge.

"It occurs to me that I've taken you at your word too much-- against all evidence. You tell me that you like your men strong, but take it upon yourself to change my world based on what you think is right. It never occurred to you to ask, did it? It doesn't seem to me that you're submissive so much as you like to play sub when there's a hard cock in the room. It gets you wet to pretend to obey, but to actually do it? I'm not sure of that...and I don't find a lifetime of wondering about the priorities of the woman in bed next to me to be a fun prospect. At least when Stacy isn't a hypno-dyke, I know whose side she's on. What happens when you find someone better? Or..."

"There is nobody better!"

"I believe I was speaking. I suggest you shut up until I'm finished." When she bit her lip, he continued. "Or when you decide that I'm not aggressive enough about getting a promotion? I can't have my guard up all the time-- I don't even want to, even for you. I'm not even sure that you haven't fucked with my head."

Lilah clearly wanted to say something, but remained silent.

Adam sighed. "Okay, speak."

"The only way I've fucked with your head is in the normal ways women have been doing since the beginning of time. I'd rather listen to the clock ticking until the day I die than be with a man only because of some trick. I meant you to discover us, because I never meant it to be a secret. I just wanted us to get started on the rest of our lives, and thought it would be so much easier for you if it was done-- better for your conscience. I took the guilt on me so it wouldn't have to be on you."

"Because you find me weak?"

"No, because I love you that much. I surrender to you that much. You don't believe in God, but I do, and so I know my soul cries out to yours, and if I have to damn that soul to have you, I do it wholeheartedly. How can you see that as anything less than submission? I give up a God in heaven to be with my god here on earth."

"Easy words. Persuasive, but you've always been persuasive. I am impressed with the blasphemy, of course." His expression was ironic. "You would stand before me and claim submission when you've engineered everything but the waves against the shore? You're the very definition of an alpha bitch."

"Yes, who knows she's met her match."

"Again, Lilah, you stand before me."

Lilah dropped to her knees. "Please, listen, Adam, Master, God, Savior, Redeemer. Whatever it takes, I'll do it. Whatever I need to do, I'll do it to keep you near me. To keep you with me. To feel you move inside me again. I swear this, I pray it!"

"I...I'm listening." Perhaps they needed a word stronger than persuasive to describe her. Certainly visually appealing at the moment, and perhaps even more beautiful in her submission and desperation. Adam tried to harden his heart, even as part of him wanted to kneel down beside her and kiss it better.

"I could... I could be the second wife. The junior wife. The obedient one. I would do it...for you. She could... have you first and be the most important one in your life. As long as I got to have you sometimes. To wear your name."

"I've got to say I don't think I'm sure you could accept that."

"Adam, I'm proud. Arrogant even, maybe, but I'm also yours completely. Stacy will be my goddess because she's yours. And, she is beautiful in her way." She crawled over to Stacy's unconscious form and started nestling her face between the woman's thighs, getting a little messy herself.

"Stop! Stop it right now!" She desisted. "Dammit, Lilah, this is just what I'm talking about. I don't care hot you are. How hot you make me. I can't have you ignoring my wishes and just doing what you want all the time. Yes, I know, you think you're doing it for me, for my own good. Do you realize how demeaning that is? That you think I can't recognize my own needs, my own best interest? Until you see that..."

"I just thought--"

"Don't think!" he yelled. "Don't go down that road, because I'm sick of it already."

Her expression went from submission to resolution. "Adam, I love you, and I want you. But I can't go on like this. I can be your lover or your wife, but I won't anymore be your mistress. I know the look in your eyes when you see me is not just lust, it's love. If I'm worthy of that, I deserve a real place in your life, not just hidden, furtive fumblings in the dark. I'll surrender myself completely to you, but first I need to be yours, to have the same basic protections that Stacy has merely by you having met her first. Even with all the things I've done wrong, don't I deserve that?"

"So what are you saying?"

"What do you think I'm saying?" She paused to collect shreds of her dignity, swallowing hard against what must have been a huge lump in her throat. "I have a job offer from Armitage. It's in Alaska, for Pete's sake, so it will be far enough away that I won't have to see you. With her. While I go home to my crappy little apartment and try to pretend I'll date around, that I'll find somebody." There was the bitterness again. Unconcealed, now, and something Adam hadn't ever factored into their relationship before. He'd gone home frustrated by their flirtation, had agonized over his divided loyalties and mixed emotions, but he'd gone home to comfort and stability. She'd had all the same feelings, but had to cope with them alone. Was it any wonder she was acting more than a little bit desperate? Had cooked up this crazed scheme to "solve" the problem?

And now that it came right down to it, a gaping pit had opened in his stomach when she'd mentioned Alaska. Never see her again? Could he live with that? Go back to his static, stagnant marriage with Stacy, puff out a couple of kids and live a life full of regret, knowing he'd found The One and that he'd let it all go because he was too scared (or, more reprehensible, too lazy) to shake up his own life to do something about it?

He loved Lilah. He really did. The fact that he could stand here right now with a twisted paradise offered to him on a half-shell and consider refusing it proved it to himself, if to no one else. He...loved Stacy, too, as far as it went. His passion for her was what was missing-- had been missing for a long while now. Longer than he cared to admit. Certainly longer than he'd known Lilah: it was doubtless what had made him so susceptible to her expressions of desire and ultimately love. He needed more...

"What does Stacy say?"


"What does she want?"

"This isn't about her, it's about you and me. This is your decision to make, not hers. I've put the options in front of you."

Dammit. She was right. Stacy's will was pretty irrelevant, given its newly malleable nature. He couldn't be sure what she was thinking deep down, once you peeled away all the lust to bury herself in Lilah's cunt. Was she enjoying herself-- of course, that was obvious by the visual and aromatic evidence permeating the grotto. Would she be happy as a cherished but not central member of his household? That was less apparent to him.

And ultimately irrelevant as well, he realized; Lilah's ability to mold her mind in whatever twisted direction suited her purposes-- or his purposes-- was inarguable. Immoral, certainly, but who was he to judge? His behavior over the last year and a half-- the infidelity in spirit, if not in actual corpus until recent days-- didn't exactly put him in the position of righteousness. So the question wasn't whether he would betray his marriage to Stacy or not-- he'd already done that. The question was whether or not he loved Lilah enough to make that betrayal complete. Whether or not he was willing to supplant his wife with another woman.

A woman who better understood him and his needs, undoubtedly. But would she surrender to him in the ways that would make their relationship real and not hopelessly one-sided as his current marriage was?


"So." She'd stared into his face this whole time, watching the play of his expressions.

"You'd change her back, then? Make her the strait-laced-- key word being straight-- woman she always was?"

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