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Tiny Bubbles page 1

Lilah was the last person Adam expected to see on a Waikiki beach and wrapped in a sarong.

When last he'd seen her she was in office casual and joking that it would probably look suspicious that they both had the same vacation time.

"Oh, Lovah," she'd whispered, "it would be fun to really give them something to talk about. Still, you'd better take lots of pictures with SSS to prove it wasn't a little getaway for us instead."


SSS. Silly, Silly Stacy. Adam's wife. The nickname bestowed upon her by Lilah when he'd mentioned over lunch that Stacy wasn't the most passionate woman alive. The lunch took place a few weeks after Lilah had started at the company and, while he found her very attractive, he was a very loyal husband. Nobody was more surprised than Adam when the conversation took several left turns and he shared his disappointment with his sex life with the attractive brunette across the table from him.

"That's silly. If you were mine I don't think I could ever get enough," Lilah said, running her finger along the edge of the salad plate, and then licking the ranch dressing off the tip. There was something about the way she did it... "You should tell Silly, Silly Stacy that if she doesn't appreciate what she has at home, others will."

"Are you flirting with me?" he said, with a wink. Better to confront it head on, and flirt back a little. She was pretty hot, and as long as they were solid that they'd never act on it, why not?

Suddenly Lilah looked confused and more innocent than her twenty-six years should allow. "No, of course not!"

Adam smelled trouble until he saw the laughter lurking behind her mischievous blue-green eyes. " marriage might not be able to withstand the temptation."

That first lunch set the pattern. The casual flirtation became more intense, and it was hard to say when it became something more. They fell into a masochistic game of tempting one another. Masochistic because it was actually a form of self-torture to almost continually be that aroused and not act on it. They shared suggestive email exchanges daily-- at least as suggestive as the office spy-software would safely allow. The game was to say something outrageously hot, couched in euphemism, and surreptitiously watch across the office as the other person opened and read the message. Adam began to factor into his day the time he spent in the restroom relieving tension after a particularly good email exchange. Once in a while he would meet Lilah along the way, clearly with the same idea in mind, and she would say in a poorly-executed British accent, "Good show, Adam! Good show, indeed."

Adam soon realized he had a problem. He was quite possibly in love with Lilah. They'd never kissed, rarely got to spend time together, he still loved his wife... and yet he couldn't get enough of the sexually-charged brunette woman. Public sympathies would surely not have been with him if he told anyone that he would have only flirted with her so much, or not at all, had he known the consequences.

Or would they? Lilah quite early on made it clear she liked the girls as much as the boys. He'd never known a lady who could get as aroused by an attractive woman as he could. Not outside of Penthouse letters, and certainly not someone as sexy as Lilah. She was so casual about (and unashamed of) her proclivities that it was like girl-watching with a best friend-- a best friend that you desperately wanted to lean over the nearest desk and bang. It was impossible to imagine that people wouldn't see the draw. "Yes, Adam, we can't blame you... The woman was unconscionably hot. You're forgiven your adulterous thoughts!" Surely not.

Then there were the stockings. Oh, God, the stockings! It wasn't long into their friendship before he mentioned his love of attractive women in what he considered to be appropriate legwear. She asked him to elaborate and he did, while she listened on with a Mona Lisa smile. The next week she began to wear them, often needing to straighten a seam while in his immediate vicinity. The first time she executed this little maneuver, by the time she got back to her desk she had an email waiting that contained nothing but an ASCII approximation of a growl. He saw her grin and quickly start typing, and he waited for a response.

Why the growl, Lovah? Were you thinking of Katie as well? She sure looks hot today! I would love for her to kneel between these nylon-clad legs-- you did notice the stockings, right?-- and be a good little kitty licker!

And so began yet another trip to the bathroom.

The first time she saw the picture of Stacy on his desk she gave a mischievous smile, running a finger across the glass covering the image.

"Stacy is cuuute. And redheads are my favorite flavor," she pronounced. This was early on in the relationship, but already he stiffened, knowing exactly what she meant. "Does Stacy like to play with other girls?"

Ahem. "There was a time, before we got married, that I thought she might, but now she seems to have dropped that idea."

"Ah, do you wish she would?"

A roll of the eyes heavenward was Adam's only response.

"Stacy really is a silly, silly girl," Lilah said, moving a little closer than she ought in an office environment. "She has a sexy husband like you who wants to see her have fun with another girl, and she can't even be a Good Little Pussy Licker."

There was no doubt that Lilah liked variations on the phrase "Good Little Pussy Licker." Not that he minded. She was also fond of doing a credible job of playing the innocent, which he found even hotter because he knew better.

In the beginning he wondered why they never took the next logical step, but he had the sneaking suspicion that doing so would be the end of his marriage. People at the office were already talking, and making not-so-subtle remarks. If they were actually together he was sure they wouldn't be able to keep it a secret. At this point he had plausible deniability. He also knew that if she asked him he'd be unable to say no. But she never did quite ask. When it seemed like she might she'd end her sentence with, "But, no, your marriage doesn't need the temptation."

His sex life with Stacy got a little more interesting. He was attracted to her, always had been, but most of his new interest in her was fueled by fantasies of her being Lilah's little plaything. This wasn't helped by Lilah suggesting that his cock was really hers now, and she was just tolerating him sticking it in Stacy. He suspected this was true.

He still retained the upper hand, though: as outspoken as Lilah was, he believed her to be absolutely sincere when she said she loved strong men. He knew this because if he focused enough on the topic of her being bad and needing a spanking, she was the one who needed a restroom break. He found out early that she seemed to really like when he occasionally disagreed with her and refused to back down.

One of the topics they disagreed on was hypnosis. She was a lifetime fan of the concept, and believed from minor experimentation that she was good at it. He thought it was hooey. "People only do what they want to do."

"Maybe, but I can make them want to do whatever I wish."

She looked so adorable as she said this that he had to fight the urge to suggest they leave work and drive immediately to the nearest hotel/motel.

"So, is that why I'm so crazy about you?" he asked.

She gave a laugh "Ah, Lovah, no-- you wanted me from the start, and I wanted you. Hypnosis unneeded."

"So what are we waiting for?" he asked, the silliness of it all seeming suddenly overwhelming.

"Odd that you should ask. The time that we can finally be together is the time that you'll admit hypnosis is real. You'll admit this because your wife will be giving me a tongue bath and releasing you from your marriage vows."

Adam tried not to laugh too hard at the absurdity of her claim, knowing it was just another one of her ways to plant a sexy idea in his head. It worked, too, joining all the other Lilah-inspired fantasies taking up room in his head. If she had a hypno-fantasy, he guessed he'd have one too.

Adam had trouble being angry at her games and manipulations. He never saw her flirt with anyone else, not in any real way. If anything, she seemed incredibly devoted to him, and underneath the quips there seemed to be sincere feelings. When they finally expressed their love, in a late night computer conversation, it was almost redundant. It was obvious they were in love, and in a relationship that was both pulse-pounding hot, and completely platonic, if cock inserted in pussy was the criteria. It was understood that it was only kept platonic by a mutual agreement held together by a thin and frayed thread. It was also understood that if they got together they'd fuck until they passed out, and then upon regaining consciousness, fuck some more.

There was a time when Adam had tried to break off their relationship; it was the smart thing to do. He told Lilah, and on the surface she had seemed to take it well, seeming to understand, but he soon found out she'd left for the day, and he heard gossip about her eyes looking like she'd been crying. He felt horrible. His resolve to just be co-workers, friends at the most, didn't last long. Even in casual conversations it was too easy to fall back into the old routines and, as long as they saw one another at all, the temptation was too great. It was also clear from Lilah's continued hosiery wear that, while she'd accepted his decision, she wasn't going to make it easy.

It was less than a month before they were back to the same routine.

The first time Stacy and Lilah met, at the holiday party, it was decidedly odd. For one thing, his conservative wife looked hot, and was wearing stockings as a treat for him. The other thing was that Lilah, who definitely knew how to dress to impress and arouse, was dressed rather plainly. Underneath it all she was the same, looking at him and licking her lips with a glance toward Stacy at the first opportunity. Even though he knew the sky would rain locusts before his wife would consent to be with Lilah, he found it very erotic to have the two women so close, and knowing one of them would be more than willing.

The party, fantasies racing through his brain aside, went without a hitch and without his wife slapping Lilah and calling her a whore. Luckily none of his drunken co-workers had enlightened Stacy as to office rumors. There was also no tongue bath. Lilah did make sure that he was aware that, drab dress aside, she was wearing hose with miniature candy canes around the tops. He was a little nervous when his two women seemed to be having an intense conversation in the corner, with Lilah pretty obviously hitting on his wife. When Lilah feigned drunken light-headedness and rested her head in Stacy's lap, giving him a lascivious wink, Adam almost took the opportunity to head to the rest room, but if he stood up the executive he was having martinis with would surely notice the huge tent in his trousers. And, no offense to said executive, Adam just didn't think of him that way, and moreover didn't want him to think so either.

On the drive home he asked Stacy how she'd liked the party, and she responded in a tipsy little girl voice that it was nice. "The dress was a hit. Some of your co-workers were checking me out. In fact..." she trailed off with a giggle.

"In fact...?" he prompted.

"I think that Lily girl was flirting with me."

"Lily? Oh, do you mean Lilah?" he asked, trying to sound casual. "Really? It wouldn't surprise looked hot."

She giggled again. "You'd like that, wouldn't you? The thought of two women together, and you men get ridiculous. Yes, I could tell she was flirting."

"I'm sure she was, dear."

Stacy slipped a hand into his lap, very nearly causing him to swerve off the road. "It was nice. Not that I would...not that I could...but get home soon because I'm pretty turned on!"

They had a better night than they'd had in a good long while, and he'd be liar if he said he didn't enjoy it... especially when she teasingly mentioned that she wished "Lily" were there. "Really?" he'd inquired.

She had moaned a "yes" at that (and at the shafting he was giving her). "When she had her head in my lap, I was getting wet at the thought of her face so close to... you know..."

"Did you want her to eat you out?"

"Unh hnngh..." she assented.

"Would you do the same to her?" he asked, thrusting her hard. "Did you want to lick her pussy, too?"

"I... I think so," was her shy answer, the little girl voice back again, and her hips thrust up to meet his rhythm.

Yes, definitely a better night than usual.

His wife was back to normal the next day, if a little embarrassed, at her momentary interest in sapphic pleasures. He had to smile at Lilah's seductive abilities extending to the whole family, but also had to believe the wine Stacy had sipped while talking to the sexy brunette had more to do with the matter. He also had to admit that the women looked great next to one another. In lap or otherwise.


Back at the office things were deliciously normal. One day, after a heated email exchange, Lilah came over to visit after a trip to the ladies room. "Adam, you have something on your lip!" she said, running her finger under his nose, and leaving the distinctive scent of aroused femininity on his upper lip. Her eyes sparkled in amusement and lust. "Well, you do now." All he could do was breathe in deeply, fighting the urge to lick his lip right then and there. He grinned at her utter depravity and took another break of his own.

When he told Lilah he was taking Stacy to Hawaii, she'd just smiled and asked when. A few days later she mentioned that she also had those dates off, and what a funny coincidence that was. "Without us here, they might as well close down the place," she quipped. He thought it odd that she hadn't mentioned having those same dates off before, but did it really matter?

"I'll miss you, doll," he said. "I'd prefer to take you."

"You can always sacrifice Stacy to a volcano!" she suggested. Lilah could sometimes be a little bitchy in regard to his wife-- it'd used to take him aback, but as time went on he noted that he was secretly a bit flattered when she let her jealousy show.

When he asked what she had planned for her time off she had merely said she had a few things to put in order, and refused to elaborate.


Whatever he'd imagined her doing, it didn't involve her showing up on his vacation. But here she was, approaching them and acting like she was surprised and pleased to see them there. Adam did his best not to stare, although he had many reasons to do just that-- including the fact that whole new body parts were exposed to his gaze in a manner quite unlike the standard office garb.

At first Stacy looked annoyed, even suspicious-- and with good reason!-- but she relaxed when it was clear that Lilah didn't plan to stay long. Soon the two women were gossiping and talking about the sights. If Adam hadn't known better he'd think he was utterly forgotten.

After several minutes, Lilah shyly asked them to join her for dinner-- her treat-- and he heard his wife accepting, though he could tell from her tone of voice this was out of politeness and nothing more.

His brows furrowed as he contemplated this and barely restrained himself from mouthing What the fuck are you doing? at Lilah, but Stacy was turning to him just then for confirmation and he needed to play it cool. "Sure, hopefully we'll have time. We have a lot of activities planned."

Stacy had not missed his look at Lilah, though perhaps she'd misinterpreted it as ogling. The other woman's bikini briefs were quite... brief. "Yes, well, we'll let you know."

Lilah wholly understood the exchange, and smiled demurely to defuse it. "Oh, don't trouble yourselves about it, I know you're on vacation. I'll just leave you my number. I'm staying at the Four Seasons, room 581. It's not much, but it does have an ocean view. Give me a call or a visit and we'll set a date."

"Sure we will," Adam muttered, and they made their goodbyes. He couldn't stop himself from glancing back, as he caught Stacy's hand and walked away. Lilah looked on, smirking, with an arched eyebrow. Sweetness dropped along with the shyness, her eyes filled with promise. He narrowed his eyes at her and looked away.


Adam knocked on the door of room 581. The sounds of the television muted, and he heard rapidly approaching footsteps. The eyehole darkened for an instant, and he restrained the absurd urge to look back through it. Before he could even decide, the door threw itself wide and the quirky smile of Lilah filled his sight.

"Hi," she said cheerfully. "Come on in."

He entered her suite. "Ocean view" appeared to be a misnomer, as the only way he could imagine you would see the deep blue would be by standing to the left of the television and craning your neck toward the bathroom window. Still, it was bright, airy and smelled of flowers. And of freshly bathed girl He watched her move across the room, and the light shining in from the lanai made it apparent that the sheer white cotton robe she had on concealed somewhat less cottony undergarments beneath. He shuddered as he realized that the satiny prizes below were dedicated to his preferences... the straps of the suspender belt were apparent, as were the sheer nude nylons. The impractically high-heeled slippers, refugees from a Victoria's Secret catalog, made her walk from the door to the sitting room entrance a thing of astounding beauty.

"How do you like the room? It's a bit small, I know, but it was so expensive to upgrade. If I want to see the real ocean I can put on a bikini and walk the beach, you know?"

He stared very pointedly at her outfit. "How did you know I was coming?"

"I didn't. I hoped you would, but hope is just a fantasy you think may actually come true. Isn't that what you wrote?" He had. A long time ago, and she had remembered. God, this woman... "So I made sure I was ready for the fantasy at all times. Lord knows what the room service guy thought. You like?" She used her arms to indicate her whole draped body with all the over-exuberance of a game show hostess.

"I don't need to answer that. You know damned well what effect... that... has on me." And could doubtless see it was true; his shorts did not conceal much.

"I confess I might suspect a little." Now she was looking directly at his crotch. Did her eyes cross, slightly? "Well, a lot."

"I know. Listen, I don't have time to flirt shamelessly with you for an hour, as hot as that might be. I told Stacy I'd go out to pick up her contact lens solution, and this place happens to be on the way." Well, okay, so it was significantly out of the way. This was hardly the time to quibble. "We need to talk."

"Oh?" She looked amused.

"Look, I'm serious. I don't know what you're playing at, coming here on our vacation and messing around with my head, but I want you to stop it. Stacy is still my wife, no matter how much I love--" Dammit. He didn't need to get into this right now. "No matter what you and I feel about each other. Maybe some day that will change, I don't know, but right now I need you to not ruin this vacation for her."

"For her?"

"I could care less about Hawaii, you know that. I wanted to go to Vegas. But she loves it. She's been singing that Don Ho song so much I could fucking shoot myself."

Lilah laughed at that, and Adam admired the effect that it had on the view. Lilah was the kind of girl who laughed all the way down. He'd never realized that a woman's thighs bounced quite that way when she laughed. He wondered what laughing did to the shape of her ass..

She noticed his regard and struck a pose, tipping forward in her slippers. His throat made a noise which was either a purr or a precursor to a bite; even Adam was not sure which. "Well, here, let me tell you something." She walked forward and placed a single finger on his chest. "This is my vacation, too, darling, and I don't give a rat's ass about her or what she wants. She treats you like a hired hand, sending you out on errands like this, and--"

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