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Tiny Bubbles page 2

"They're not errands. I am doing her a favor."

"You don't even want to be here, you said it yourself."

"I... this isn't about that."

"We've had this conversation before, though, although then it was her kitchen tile instead of your swimming pool. And her grand piano instead of your home theater. And she doesn't..." She stepped forward into his personal space, her breath rustling his hair. "...even..." Now her hand dropped to his waist, the only thing keeping her from being on top of him. "...give back what you most desire." She looked down then back up at him, waiting for her cue to drop her hand lower.

It hurt to answer. "She does, just not as often as..."

"Lovah," she interrupted, "I'm not here to make this a good vacation for her. This is my vacation and I'm going to enjoy myself. With or without her involvement."

"Enough," came his voice, deepening with a mixture of lust and anger. "You will do as I ask because it's what I want. No other reason. No more arguments. Do you understand me?"

Her nostrils flared, though anger didn't seem to be the cause. Her breathing intensified, in fact. This was not in the plan...

"Yes, Adam, I understand. I won't ruin this vacation for her. But I'm not doing this for her, I'm doing this for you. Because I will always give you what you want." Her nipples were busily making the subtext of her comment perfectly clear.

He pretended to misunderstand. Unsuccessfully. "Huh. I don't know if I believe you."

"Dearest, don't you trust me?" A nervous giggle, betrayed by eyes wide with potential hurt.

"No. Yes. Probably." He sighed. "I don't even know if I trust myself."

"I would never hurt you, you know that."

"I do. But your idea of my best interests might not coincide with my own."

"That's for sure."

"Promise me."

"Promise you what? That I'll refrain from wearing naughty garments that would put SSS on her guard?" She indicated the ill-concealed lingerie beneath her robe. He barely heard the rest...

"That I'll keep from sliding my hand under the table and massaging your cock? That I won't finger myself while I'm sitting across from you, in between requests that you pass the salt?" She grinned. "I promise. Well, all except the last one. That might be fun."

"The... the last one, too. Be good."

"Well, okay, the last one, too. Although I can't be good. I will act good, though. Scout's honor."

"You were never a scout. And that's the wrong number of fingers, anyway."

"Really? I had no idea. In my days doing Girl Scouts, that's how many fingers they used on me." She looked at the body parts in question, then spread the middle and forefinger and slid them down her belly. Slowly, destination obvious.

Adam watched, fascinated, and reflected on the fact that this was the only time they'd been truly alone together since a car ride from the restaurant to work before the flirting had actually begun in earnest. This was by design, of course, since he knew his hormones could be counted on to override things like logic, honor, and even commitment. And having forgotten that caution this one time, in an effort to get Lilah to play nice, he now knew himself to be in trouble.

He wanted to leave, but was incapable of doing so once her hand parted the folds of the cotton overlayer and plunged into her panties.

In delicious agony he watched her pointer and ring fingers each exit through a leg-hole of the tiny garment, and the conspicuous absence of the digit between them made it evident where the missing one had ended up. The way she licked her lips and rolled her eyes upward made it impossible to deny, even had he wanted to. "Mmmmm..." she moaned, reopening her eyes and looking straight into his. "Sorry, was thinking about my Girl Scout. Well, she was actually my cousin, too, but let's not be... unngh... too pedantic. Besides, I'm sure you don't want the details about how we would..." she breathed, " each other out in the attic when we stayed together at my uncle's cottage. Surely you don't--"

Adam didn't know when or how he'd wrapped his arms around her, but it wasn't until he silenced her filthy lips with his own that he realized he was pressed up against her. He could feel her moan into his mouth, a release of months of pent-up desire for him, and she softened against the wall, snaking her hand around his waist. She tried to join it with her busy hand, but the second she removed it from her soaked panties he took hold of her wrist and jammed it right back in. "No," he growled. "You keep fucking yourself." She pulled back her face from his to examine his eyes. "It's what I want."

She smiled into his lips again, melting at that. Let there never be a doubt she was eager to please, and this certainly was a method of pleasing which did not cause her undue distress. He cupped her breast through the robe as he invaded her mouth with his tongue, panting between kisses. His other hand fell to her ass, cupping it. Every second he would feel her pulse her finger in and out of her opening, sometimes so deep that her exterior fingers would touch his hand. He pressed his aching cock against her thighs... so near to her hand, so near to her pussy... and her strokes continued until she cried, "Adam!" into his ear in an eager, high-pitched climax.

What now? he thought. His hands and arms were ahead of the game, however, as they picked her up and ungently tossed her to the bed.

He was about to follow when his cell phone rang, snapping him out of his lust-driven motions.

Adam stared down at his phone, breathing heavily, as the third ring came and went. It was Stacy, of course.

What he had done and what he'd been about to do now hit him in the groin like ice water. He hit the answer button somewhere in the middle of the fourth ring as Lilah looked on in frustration.

"Yeah, sweets, what's up?"

"Can you pick up some of my lotion, too? I'm all out, and it's doubling as my sunscreen. And I really don't want to have to wear a lot at the beach, wouldn't you agree?" She giggled, but it only made him feel like a heel. Rightfully so, he thought.

"Sure. What was it called, again?"

As Stacy gave him the details, Lilah looked at him and began to lick her fingers off like a preening cat, suppressing moans but not failing to wink at him. He turned around in order to avoid her distractive influence.

"Okay, I'll make sure I pick that up, too. Or call you if they don't have it...I will...I love you, too." He ended the call.

"I love you, too," Lilah echoed into his ear as he set down the phone. He almost turned at the smell of her shampoo and perfume and conditioner and whatever else she was wearing that wrapped up together spelled "woman", but resolutely stepped away. He knew if he looked at her and saw the sincerity-- not mockery, surely not mockery-- in her face that he would lose himself in those eyes.

"I have to go." He grabbed his keys and strode to the door. "Remember your promise."

He walked down the hall toward the back entrance. How can you expect her to, when you're so keen on violating yours?


Stacy was just getting out of the bath when he returned, and was happy to receive her new lotion. "Can you put this on my back?" she inquired, and he was happy to do so. It was good to touch her, to reacquaint himself with his wife's body, reconnect with her. It helped him to forget his near-betrayal in Lilah's hotel room, though the tiny voice in his head persisted in demanding How was kissing another woman not a betrayal of your wedding vows? Or falling in love with her in the first place? He silenced it: now was the time to focus on Stacy, as some sort of secret penitence for his indiscretions.

She eased herself onto her stomach, her nude form half-covered with a towel, her back bare to his gaze and to his hands. "Mmmm..." she moaned as the cool creamy stuff touched her flesh and was distributed across and into her skin in slow circles. "That's nice." He liked the sounds she made when he gave her pleasure, and he stiffened in response. He moved down her shoulders to her arms and the backs of her hands, then moved to her ass, though there was little danger of sunburn there. The noises she made were encouraging, so he continued down her thighs and calves, and back upward. He attempted to be subtle when he returned to her center, giving her an opportunity to bow out (as she tended to), but this time she was willing to accept his fingers in her cleft. He carefully, gently massaged her mons, from time to time riding her wetness up to the clitoris and giving it mild stimulation, and it wasn't long before she not-so-elegantly flipped over, with a sleepy mumbling which contained the phrase "do my front". He started to go for more lotion, but she shook her head and pulled him close. "That's not what I meant."

Ah. Well, good. He lowered himself to her lips, nibbling on the lower one the way she liked, and she kissed him back with fervor but without tongue. It was one of those nights. Gotcha. No oral, then. Stacy's signals were subtle, even bizarre, but he had eventually figured them out. Despite his near-need to go down on her he relented, using his fingers instead. That worked to moisten her, though she made it clear that was his only purpose down there right now. She arched her back to push her tits toward his mouth, and he replied by suckling one of her nipples like a newborn. She loved this, apparently, as she swatted away his hand and spread her legs invitingly. "Now," she whispered.

This wasn't near enough foreplay for Adam, frankly-- he'd been "taught" by an older girl in high school, and the exciting lessons had stuck-- but his body was on automatic and didn't require the extra caressing and tonguing he desired. His cock was completely willing and able to part Stacy's folds and slide inside... and by the evidence of Stacy's sharp intake of breath she was quite willing and able to take his cock as well.

A slow, steady rhythm built between them, gentle nudging that intensified into almost harsh grinding of her pubic bone against his, mashing her clit in between them. He kept to the stroking motion-- he knew from experience that any deviation, any distraction right now would be the end of the session-- and contented himself with taking alternating nipples into his mouth while he pushed into her as deep as she would take him, but not deep enough to hurt her. Finally, her breathing halted, her pelvis pushed up at his for an instant, and she sighed and pooled into a gelid mass of satiated girl. She grinned up at him, thanking him, and he smiled down at her. He kissed her cheeks, and ears, and her eyelids fluttered toward naptime. Usually she noticed when he hadn't come, but this time she was apparently too tired, and she just commented that she was starting to feel uncomfortable "down there". Adam kissed her once more, on the lips, and pulled out, rolling over to his side of the bed.

Whir, blur, thank you, sir, he tried not to think. Being disappointed in her stamina was nothing new, and he was long past feeling guilty about it. Her multiple orgasms had gradually faded with her familiarity with him, and nothing he could do or suggest seemed to stave off this depressing trend. Concerned, he'd discussed it with her, suggesting that some kind of variation might be warranted, perhaps, but she'd seen it as an attack on her sexuality and it had just made her paranoid enough to avoid sex with him entirely-- and to not come at all during the sex they did have since she spent the time analytically wondering if she was having enough orgasms for him. When she'd told him this he'd dropped the subject like a hot potato-- the last thing they needed was more analysis and less climax. Honeymoon's over, was how he'd heard people put it. He missed the honeymoon.

He grabbed a novel while he waited for his erection to fade.


"We don't have to go."

"Well, I said we would."

"You said we'd let her know. Call her and let her know we're busy."

"But we're not busy. She's alone and we're her only friends here."

"You're not her friend!"

"Adam, come on. She's your friend-- or so I thought. Why don't you want to see her?"

"I'm just... we're here to get away from it all. That includes people from work. Even people I might ordinarily enjoy seeing."

"Methinks the lord doth protest too much."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"I saw the way you looked at her in that bikini. You want to avoid her because you don't want me to see you drooling over her. Tough. Suffer. I want to see how dedicated you are to me."

"Are you seriously saying that you want to go to dinner over there because you want to watch and make sure I don't ogle her? Do you realize how fucked up that is?"

"Actually, I just want to avoid spending a hundred dollars or more on dinner. I do the finances, remember?"

He shook his head, forcing himself to calm down. He really was protesting too much. Even he thought he looked suspicious. "Fine. But we're bringing a bottle of wine. It's not nice to make her pay for dinner and get nothing in return."


The first thing Adam noticed when they got to Lilah's room (other than that she looked gorgeous, and that a day in the sun had made the freckles across the bridge of her nose more apparent) was that she was ever-so-slightly tipsy. The wine they'd brought might be gilding the lily.

"Come in," she said, leading them to an elegantly set table on the lanai. Three wine glasses were next to the place settings, one with a quarter-inch of sparkling gold liquid at the bottom. "I started in on the wine-- I was a little nervous."

"Nervous, why? Everything looks lovely, doesn't it Adam?"

"Yes, er, lovely." It was a little disconcerting to see Lilah be less than in control. Was her nervousness real, or just another ploy? And was that the perfume she always wore?

"I suppose I wanted to be a good hostess."

Stacy put a comforting hand on Lilah's arm. "It looks perfect."

"Well, I can order carry-out with the best of them," Lilah said with a laugh. "I hear you're quite the cook. I've overheard Adam bragging about it. Men always take credit for the accomplishments of their wives."

Stacy blushed. "I try. You look great. Your sundress really shows off your legs!"

"Me? Look at you! I've spent a lifetime at salons trying to manage the hair color that you come by naturally."

Adam gaped; he would never fully understand women. Their odd bonding rituals.

Soon they were seated, enjoying their meals, which Lilah made a point of saying she'd selected carefully from the menu of Leilani's. Stacy, in a bid not to hurt the hostess's feelings, asked Adam if she could trade her lamb for his mahi-mahi with ginger sauce. Stacy knew Adam hated mahi-mahi, but so did Lilah... She also knew he loved lamb. Sharp of Lilah to allow Stacy to preserve her ignorance of how well he and their hostess really knew each other. His cock hardened... whether at her cleverness or because she was just so damned sexy sitting there all demure when he knew what a slut lurked beneath." Extra points given for making sure, in a roundabout way, that he got a meal he liked, even though he knew she was not keen on people eating animals she would consider as pets.

When Lilah went to pour wine into Stacy's glass his wife demurred. "None for me. Adam and I are trying to get pregnant, and I want to do it the right way. Water would be absolutely fine, really."

Adam had read that women were better than men at picking up on body language. Still, he would bet anything that Stacy, not knowing Lilah the way he did, missed the near-imperceptible tightening of her jaw. He could hardly take the opportunity to say to Lilah that this was news to him. They'd discussed it, certainly, but nothing had been decided; he definitely wanted children, but for some reason he didn't feel comfortable having them right now, and had put off the decision. With Stacy's agreement, he'd thought. He wondered if Stacy was just staking her claim on his ejaculate. It was pretty clear she wasn't seeing Lilah as a threat, but it wouldn't surprise him if she hadn't shared that tidbit as a "just in case." He was also pretty sure that it was the most incendiary thing Stacy could have possibly said.

Lilah gave a bright smile, and only Adam-- who knew how her eyes sparkled when genuinely happy-- knew it was a mask. "Oh, well, congratulations! But all the more reason to have some fun tonight. This might be one of the last hurrahs. It's not like you're going to have a lot of time to relax and sip some wine after the baby comes. Not unless you have a nanny."

"Oh, we couldn't afford that-- not yet." Stacy glanced at Adam. "Some day."

"I couldn't afford one either-- but I won't have children until I can have one. I know my limits! So relax, enjoy some wine, and the beautiful night, and the companionship of those who are potty trained. Besides, you brought a bottle, and it would be a shame if you didn't partake."

Stacy giggled. "Oh, okay. One glass!"

"One glass," Lilah echoed, "or two..."

"Not two!" Stacy said, trying to sound stern, but still grinning. "Adam-- tell her just one!"

Adam held up his hands. "Leave me out of this!" He hoped to hell that Lilah knew what she was doing. Or was even sober enough to know what she was doing.

As Lilah poured the wine, the sunset reflected in the liquid and the effervescence made the fluid seem lit from within. "Tiny the wine..." Lilah began to sing under her breath, and soon Stacy was joining in. Anyone seeing the women would think they were the best of friends as they crooned to one another, even camping it up a little until they were practically hugging one another in their amusement.

Adam rolled his eyes, but he couldn't deny that Lilah had a way with Stacy. He'd never seen his wife make friends with someone so fast-- friends and something a little more? At one point in the meal Stacy had leaned over and used the tip of her little finger to remove a crumb of food from the corner of Lilah's mouth. It was unusually intimate. As soon as she did it, she froze, clearly embarrassed, but Lilah merely continued talking as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.

As if the females hadn't bonded enough, soon they were discussing Oprah's Book Club. If the women weren't so easy on the eyes, and if he didn't have recurring flashbacks of what had happened mere yards away, earlier, Adam might have considered throwing himself into the ocean.

"I like Oprah, but how could she have not suggested The Princess Bride, which has the best quote ever!" Lilah said, working herself into a mild outrage as she moved her glass in a circular motion, urging the bubbles to dance a slow hula.

"'As you wish'?" guessed Stacy. She seemed a little flushed, as if the wine was beginning to go to her head. She had always been a lightweight.

"Mmmm, that is a good one. Especially the way you say it." Lilah licked her lips lasciviously... or just removed some wine. It was an ambiguous gesture, unless you knew her like he did. "Perhaps that's the second best quote," conceded the brunette.

"Okay. I give up," Stacy said, staring at Lilah's glass with a lazy interest, smiling slightly.

"Okay, ready? 'If your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches!'"

Adam loved Lilah madly, but had to admit that all of her doubletalk, games, and implications left him needing a scorecard. If he was not mistaken, Lilah in thirty seconds had-- without looking at him-- as much as said that she wanted Stacy to be her love-struck servant, and that she loved Adam more than Stacy ever could.

"I think about that quote a lot," Lilah continued, still making the wine swirl. "How some people just love more deeply than others, are able to surrender totally. How rewarding that must be, don't you think?"

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