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To Get a Man

Martha shivered with excitement... pushing her glasses up onto her nose she walked quickly towards the dorm where she was going to meet Jared for their study date. Not that it was really a date, she just liked to think of it that way; really she knew that he just used her to help him with his classwork. If he hadn't needed a passing grade so badly in order to become a junior then he probably would have just ignored her. Although Martha was only a sophomore in college, just turned 20, she was a whiz at chemistry, and he'd found that out within the first week of class. He'd also found out that a charming smile, and a well-placed hello or compliment to her, was enough to get her to agree to tutor him.

Truthfully he wasn't a bad guy, he just wasn't actually interested her. Oh sure, he was flirtatious enough when they were alone, and at least he didn't totally ignore her in public, but he was way out of her league. There was no way that popular, athletic Jared would ever have paid attention to shy, introverted, dumpy little Martha if he hadn't needed her help. And no wonder, she knew that she had no fashion sense - but she didn't really care because she was always so wrapped up in science (which she also knew made her a dork). She'd never had a boyfriend, and even her name was old-fashioned, really who named their kid "Martha" anymore anyway?

Today was going to be different though... in her hands she carried a plate of six cupcakes... half of them had been laced with a chemical that she'd invented in Chemistry. Whatever Jared ate would come from that half of the plate... the chemical would make him woozy and susceptible to firm suggestions. It would almost make everything seem very dreamlike, when the drug wore off it would seem as though he'd day dreamed it or had a dream of it the night before. She'd tested it with her friend, a trusted friend, and it was only later that she'd realized the possible potential of it.

Although she'd had a crush on Jared since she first met him - how often do you met an attractive, sweet, funny, all around great guy who is nice to you even though he's just using you to get good grades? That didn't mean that he had to be nice to her in public really, and yet he was. She would have understood if he'd ignored her, pretended not to know her - it was actually what she had been expecting. Instead he was always sweet, said hello to her even when he was surrounded by his friends who probably didn't even know her name, and had even complimented her in front of them.

Well, they were going to be done with their tutoring sessions soon, and more than anything she wanted something from him. She wasn't totally sure about this, but at least she could always change her mind if she wanted to... but how many girls could boast of having sex with Jared Finch? Not many... not that she would boast either, she'd keep it to herself forever, but at least she would know that it was there.

It didn't take long before Jared had eaten two of the cupcakes, and she watched him from under her eyelashes as he slowly fell under the influence of the drug. When she deemed him ready, she said, "Why don't you stand up Jared?" He stood.

Licking her lips she said, "Take off your clothes Jared..." and watched with growing expectation and excitement as he stripped, smiling as his dick came into view. He wasn't hard of course, but she could change that, "Play with yourself until you're hard..."

Now this was a treat. He rubbed his nipples a little before reaching down and beginning to caress his shaft and balls, rubbing the head of his dick between his fingers as it slowly started to grow in his hands. Licking her lips she got on her knees in front of him, "Let me help you."

It was her first time with a guy's equipment in hand, but he seemed to like it as she pumped her hand up and down his shaft, moving slowly as she actually felt the flesh harden in her fist. The head was almost rubbery, she couldn't help but lean forward and lick it. Jared moaned as she did so and she decided to take it into her mouth... her first blow job. The first of many firsts today in fact... the first time she'd ever seen a guy naked in person, the first time she'd touched a guy's dick... It wasn't too hard to get her mouth around him, although she quickly found that she couldn't take him all the way into her mouth. He was too long and her gag reflex too sensitive. But she did experiment with what she could get in, her tongue sliding around his head and on the underside of his shaft.

After a little bit of this she got bored though. And there was so much else that she wanted to do. Leaving him standing there, still playing with his dick, she undressed in front of him.

"Tell me I look beautiful." she said softly.

Jared's head turned towards her, with his eyes glazed, "You look beautiful."

It wasn't as good as if he'd said it on his own of course, but there was something about hearing it that made her very happy anyway. Lying on the ground she told him, "Come here and play with my boobs... but make sure you stay hard."

She helped him stay hard by using her hand on his dick as he began to caress and lick at her breasts, pinching and nibbling on her hard nipples. The difference between his hands on her breasts and when she played with herself was amazing... it just felt very good to feel him caressing her soft flesh. And his wet mouth on her nipples, sucking and nibbling, was sending little darts of pleasure straight to her pussy. It wasn't something she could ignore for very long... especially since even with two cupcakes she, of course, had a limited amount of time.

"Get in a 69 position," she gasped, her hands sliding down his naked body, "Eat me out..."

His dick dangled above her like a hanging icicle and she pulled his hips down slightly so that it was partially in her mouth. Enough so that it pleasured him but without making her gag; as his tongue parted her wet lower lips she moaned around his dick, causing pleasant reverberations. It was even better than she had imagined it would be, soft wet lickings that caressed and teased her, especially when his tongue ventured near her clit. He sucked on her pussy, licking, pressing his tongue into her hole, biting gently on the lips and her clit. Martha writhed underneath him, ecstatic with pleasure and triumph as he ate her out.

When her orgasm was impending, she knew that it was time for the finale. Pushing his dick out of her mouth she told him, "Turn around... and make love to me."

There was a note of pleading in her voice that she cursed, even though she knew that he would never remember. She hated remembering that this wasn't exactly voluntary on his part... but how would she ever get him when it was voluntary.

The tender look on his face as he turned almost made her want to weep with pleasure, and he began to press into her pussy; it hurt but in a good way. Like when you take off a shirt that's been too tight, or a band-aid that's been on for too long. Martha gasped and arched beneath him, her hands reaching up to hold his face so that she could look at him above her; his face was distorted with pleasure, but that tender expression was still there.

She pulled him down for a kiss as he began to thrust in and out of her, pulling her lips away long enough to whisper, "Don't cum until I do." And then she began kissing him again. His tongue was in her mouth as he danced in her body, they moved together in passionate expectation. Every nerve of her body felt incredibly alive and eager, her moans muffled by his lips. Slowly he got faster, his thrusts rougher, she opened her legs even more and put them around his waist, accepting the invasion of her body. Rejoicing in it.

All too soon her body tensed up, and although she fought it, she was cumming... a spectacular wonderful orgasm that floated her up and away as he tensed above her. She could actually feel his dick pulsing inside her pussy, see the pleasure on his face as he groaned and bucked above her, her own voice joining his as they cried out in mutual ecstacy.

He lay on top of her as they panted for breath, and she could feel him shrinking inside her body. Sighing reluctantly, she knew that their time was almost up anyway.

"Go to the bathroom and clean up and get dressed," she told him, "Then come back here and get to work... you'll only remember this as a dream."

Sadly, she watched him go, getting up and getting dressed. She threw out the one cupcake that was left with the drug - it wasn't needed anymore. Sighing she got back into place at the desk and started to work again as he came back into the room and sat down. The drug obviously hadn't worn off yet, but it would, sometime while they were working.


An hour later Martha noticed that Jared was giving her looks. Looks that he'd never given her before. Speculative looks. The kind of looks she'd always wanted from him.

Looking back she made her smile an invitation, "Yes?"

Pausing for a moment, Jared then leaned forward and kissed her. Martha was delighted.

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